The Securities and Exchange Board of India is the regulator for the securities market in India. The SEBI was constituted as the regulator of capital markets in India under a resolution of the Government of India. SEBI has recently required Indian Citizens the post of
Officer Grade A.
Job Description:
Job Title: Officer Grade A (General Stream)
Number of Vacancies: 75 Officers
Salary: Salary of Pay scale is Rs. 17100-1000(11)-28100-EB-1000(4)-32100-1100(1)-33200. Presently, SEBI has included Grade, Special, Dearness, Family and Local Allowances. And with all these allowances, salary is Rs.65, 000/- per month without and 45,000/- per month with accommodation.
What are the Eligibility Criteria to apply for Officer Grade A (General Stream):
Educational qualification as on 31/07/2013: Candidates have completed Masters Degree in Economics/ Commerce/ MBA/ Post Graduate Degree in Management/ Post Graduate Diploma in Management and their marks should be minimum 55% (50% for SC/ST/ PWD) with Reputed University, CA/CFA/CS/ICWA and having knowledge of computer application.
Age limit: Candidate should not above 27 years as on 31/07/2013.
Age Relaxation: 10 years for PWD candidates, 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates) and there is no age limit mandatory for internal candidates.
Application Fees: For SC/ST/PWD Candidate: Rs. 50/- plus bank charges.
And GEN/OBC: Rs. 500/- plus bank charges.
Selection Process: Candidate's selection depends on Online Exam and Interview.
Dates to Remember: For On line Application: 12/08/2013 to 26/08/2013
Payment of fee On-Line: 12/08/2013 to 26/08/2013
Payment of Fee Off-Line: 14/08/2013 to 30/08/2013
Availability of Call Letters on SEBI website (for Online Examination): 07/09/2013 (tentative)
Date of On-Line Examination: 15/09/2013 (tentative)
How to Apply for SEBI Officer Grade A (General Stream) Job:
Candidates have to go to SEBI's website '' and open the link "Careers". Then after, open the Recruitment Notification entitled "SEBI RECRUITMENT EXERCISE-2013".
Source Website: Read Official Notification at Here: Official Website: